Thursday, July 2, 2020

Your College Admissions Timeline

Sophomore Year Looking ahead to the college application process, it is imperative to have a roadmap to follow. The most successful applicants begin to plan for their college application during the sophomore year of high school. By beginning to plan for the college admissions process early, applicants can better position themselvesand significantly reduce the stress. Sophomore Year Fall -Begin standardized test preparation for the PSAT. -Implement Reading Plan to build vocabulary (select magazine or newspaper to read on a weekly, if not daily, basis). Create vocabulary lists. -What you do over the summer matters. Think ahead to the summer Prepare to take advantage of an academic, volunteer or professional opportunity. Spring -Sit for 1 SAT Subject Test (US History, Literature, Biology). -Build your applicant profile. Plan to pursue 2 or more extracurricular activities and pursue courses that will challenge and differentiate you. -Take a practice SAT or ACT. Junior Year Fall -Register and identify test date for the SAT. -Continue your SAT test preparation. -Take 1 or 2 SAT Subject Tests (Chemistry, Language, Writing, Physics). -Sign up for 2-4 Advanced Placement Courses/Tests in the subjects that you are most comfortable with. -Implement a reading plan to build vocabulary (select 1 fiction novel to read/month outside of assigned school readings). Spring -Sit for the SAT and other SAT Subject Tests. -Connect with college counselor and coach. -Draft an initial list of colleges. -Set up College Visits (optional). Senior Year Summer -Finalize list of colleges. -Create a schedule for college interviews. -Brainstorm and draft personal statement. -Address any outstanding standardized tests or re-dos. Early Fall -Create schedule of ED, EA, RD applications. -Prepare Common Applications. -Recruit recommenders. -Implement Reading Plan to build vocabulary (select 1 non-fiction book to read/month outsides of assigned school readings). Fall/Winter Write essay supplements for college applications. Sit for SAT or Subject Tests (October) as needed. Are you interested in connecting with one of our college coaches to help you through your college application process? ; Would you like to know more about the college application process, as written by some of our own coaches and tutors? Read on below! Tips to Rock the College Admissions Interview Ask an Expert: Do Colleges Consider Campus Visits in their Admissions Decision? How to Use Your ACT Scores to Bucket Your College List

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